Monday, May 17, 2010


So like I said in the previous post I've been trying to practice on my photography skills (Because everyone should have a skill- like num-chuck(spelling?) skills, you know a skill) LOL . Well, there is a family in our ward... that we consider practically family. Their oldest son is graduating this year, so I offered to take some pictures of him for his announcements. I was so nervous... but once we got started I had a blast! It was so much fun! I could totally see myself doing this more often! Here is a preview of some of my favorites.

Kyle and Simone came along with us to keep us company, and be our bodyguard! Lol! I also took several shots of Simone... that I absolutely LOVE! I feel very proud of myself. I made her a tutu for her to wear for her birthday, and had her walking around in her SUPER cute outfit while I took a few snap shots of her.




Oh, Heck, I just love them all! Anyways, until next time! Bye-bye now!


The Payton's Place said...

nice work. do you use photoshop? what actions/textures do you use?

bloodfamily said...

I want you to take some pictures of us! We haven't had family pics since Brandon was about - um - make that a long, long time ago!

Carly said...


Christina Blood said...

Thanks Guys!! Aunt Karen I'd be REALLY nervous, but I'd love too... And Erin Yes I use photoshop... On every picture I alway adjust the curves, brightness/contrast, selctive coloring, and the unmask sharpen. If there is alot of noise because i used a high ISO then I ruse the reduce noise too. Then I only use some textures for aome of the photos! I just googled photoshop textures and found a site that i could buy some at. Then I do a vinette on most of them to. or enhance the eyes with the lasso tool and curves! I didn't take a class or anything I've just taught myself, by using tips from photography blogs or you tube, and then just playing with it! hope this helps!

Christina Blood said...
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Shannon said...

these are GREAT!!! you have a natural talent!

The Good Life: GMGE said...

Looks great! Love the colors you use.