Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I gave Símone her first haircut last week. She sat as still as an 17 month old could, and the end result came out pretty well. She looks all grown up now! I forgot to take a picture of the "Before", but if you can imagine her bangs past her eyes, and the back of her hair growing past her shoulders... this was so needed! Well, here is the "After".


bloodfamily said...

I think that you did a wonderful job cutting her hair. But I didn't know that you could make her more adorable than she already was.

Ang and Jerry Oler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ang and Jerry Oler said...

That is the most stylish little-girl-haircut I have ever seen! LOOOOOVE IIIIIIIIIT!!!

Ang and Jerry Oler said...

Hmmm...I only deleted a previous comment because I had made a horrendous spelling mistake...now it looks all suspicious! Why doesn't it just get rid of the comment, instead of leaving a blurb saying...removed by author. ha - junk.