My mother rented a van, and all us girls and the kids headed out a couple days early. Since my mom was in charge of this reunion, we needed to get there to make sure everything was in place. We had a pretty decent car ride with all the little ones, of course a 10 hour car ride turned in to a 2 day event, to with stops. We didn't think Kyle was going to be able to make it cause of work, but he surprised us when he showed up Friday night. And I was one happy girl. So was all the little cousin. A couple of my cousins were sad that they couldn't bring their dog saying that it was going to be boring and nothing to do, but turned to their mom and said, "Well, at least Kyle will be there to play with." Yeah, I think they like him more than me, sad eh! Kyle also got a standing recognition from my Aunt Lani. She told the family before we all left that she was very impressed by Kyle, and how he was such a good example to her sons, and that all the nieces need to find someone like Kyle to marry. Someone who honors his priesthood, and plays an active role as a father and husband to his family. I felt quite special that my extended family loves my husband so much.
The week mostly consisted of swimming, we also had a talent show, sports day, and a testimony meeting for sacrament. And on Sunday we had the opportunity to go to Shelley, Idaho to visit my Dads grave. We all had a blast, and it was fun hanging out with all the cousins, especially the ones we don't see very often. I think Simone enjoyed her first camping experience, she also got her first sunburn... poor child!
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